24/7 Even While You Sleep

Run A Global Business

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Run A Global Business 24/7 Even While You Sleep


Hi there! I’m Tam Ho, and this is my channel where I grow, learn and share techniques on how to have a more comfortable lifestyle. My happiness is my family, cooking, traveling, and good food. I practice healthy living healthy choices every day. Whether it be mind, body or soul, when I am healthy, I will be the best version of myself to the people around me. I love my family and friends dearly but working in a corporate setting take away much of my time with them. When I realized it, everyone around me have aged or passed all their milestones. Looking back made me feel a sense of lost and regret.

Changes are made when you act! I made the decision to balance personal and professional better while making sure to be there for my loved ones as much as possible. How do I do that? Online digital business is my chosen avenue. It allows me to do what I love yet does not take much of my time away from my family. Online businesses and social media can be intimidating and scary, like all things, there are risks but also abundant of resources and help out there. I am here to help answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Until then, may the decision you make today be the purpose of your goal for tomorrow. Cheers.

Tam Ho

Tam P Ho

Run your business where you want when you want

Business strategies shared by business owners around the world




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